A very incomplete page…
Projects: Living with Machines
- Continued recruiting the project team
- Set up the project website (graphic identity and WordPress template by an agency, working with the project team)
- Helped devise the Communications strategy
Ridge, M. (forthcoming). Crowdsourcing in cultural heritage: A practical guide to designing and running successful projects. In K. Schuster & S. Dunn (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Digital Humanities. Routledge.
Talks and teaching
June: I was at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis to teach Collections as Data with Thomas Padilla for the HILT digital humanities summer school.
An invited talk on 'Voyages of discovery with digital collections' for the Eskenazi Museum of Art, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 2019
Blog posts
- Festival of Maintenance talk: Apps, microsites and collections online: innovation and maintenance in digital cultural heritage (Open Objects)
- Museums + AI, New York workshop notes (Open Objects)
- Notes from Digital Humanities 2019 (DH2019 Utrecht) (Open Objects)
- ‘In search of the sweet spot: infrastructure at the intersection of cultural heritage and data science’ (Open Objects)
- Can you come up with something better than ‘Getting-To-Grips-A-Thon’? (Living with Machines)
- Can imagining the worst help us succeed? (Living with Machines)
- Introducing… Mia Ridge (Living with Machines)
- Living with Machines at Digital Humanities 2019 (Living with Machines)
- Why is the Communities Lab asking people to read old news? (Living with Machines)
- Introducing the Communities Lab (Living with Machines)
- ‘The Past, Present and Future of Digital Scholarship with Newspaper Collections’ (Open Objects)
- Our highlights from Digital Humanities 2019: Mia and Yann (British Library Digital Scholarship blog)
Peer reviewer, Digital Humanities 2019
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