2010: an overview

An incomplete, retrospective list of work, talks and more in 2010…

In April I gave a talk and wrote a long paper Cosmic Collections: Creating a Big Bang at Museums and the Web in Denver (then got stuck in the US while the Icelandic volcano dust kept flights to Europe grounded). My abstract: "Cosmic collections' was a Web site mashup competition held by the Science Museum in late 2009 to encourage members of the public to create new interfaces with newly accessible collections data prepared for the Cosmos & Culture exhibition. The paper reports on the lessons learned during the process of developing and running the competition, including the organisational challenges and technical context. It discusses how to create room for experimentation within institutional boundaries, the tools available to organise and publicise such an event on a limited budget, the process of designing a competition, and the impact of the competition. It also investigates the demand for museum APIs.'

In June 2010 I went to Science Hack Day at the Guardian and worked on 'The Revolutionaries' with Premasagar Rose, Ian Wooten, Tom Morris, Inayaili de León, Andy McMillan and Richard Boulton – and it won a prize for the hack most useful in education! Prem wrote a blog post about it: Science Hack Day and The Revolutionaries.

In July I organised a meetup about 'Linking museums: machine-readable data in cultural heritage

In September I gave a talk at OpenTech 2010 on 'Museums meet the 21st century'.

I wrote a chapter called 'All change please: your museum and audiences online' for the book Museums Forward: social media and the web, edited by Gregory Chamberlain.

I created a cartoon character called Dora

In late 2010 I was madly working on my MSc dissertation on crowdsourcing games for museums, which included a lot of research, design and code: metadata crowdsourcing games for museums.

Forthcoming chapter 'All change please: your museum and audiences online'

A quick post because I'm excited to see the book come together: 'Museums Forward: social media, broadcasting and the web' is edited by Gregory Chamberlain and will be published in March 2011.  My chapter is called 'All change please: your museum and audiences online'.

From the blurb: "In this new ground-breaking book leading innovators from both sides of the Atlantic explore how museums can create an effective social media strategy to engage with new and existing audiences."

Article: Learning lessons from a decade of museum websites

The article 'Learning lessons from a decade of museum websites' was published in Issue 3 of Museum Identity magazine. The web version as originally posted is archived at Learning lessons from a decade of museum websites; I've posted the full text below for reference.

Abstract: "Mia Ridge, Lead Web Developer at the Science Museum, on learning the lessons from a decade of museum websites and the opportunity to look at the organisational changes museums might face as both the expectations of their audiences and their own working practices have been influenced by their interactions online".

Cite as: Ridge, Mia. “Learning Lessons from a Decade of Museum Websites.” Museum Identity, September 2009.

Learning lessons from a decade of museum websites

Mia Ridge, Lead Web Developer at the Science Museum, on learning the lessons from a decade of museum websites and the opportunity to look at the organisational changes museums might face as both the expectations of their audiences and their own working practices have been influenced by their interactions online

Museum-iD Social Media Seminar











The following article is based on a paper Mia gave at the Museum-iD seminar 'Museum as Media Company: Social Media, Broadcasting & The Web'.

Image: Speakers at the seminar – from left: Matthew Cock, Head of Web, British Museum; Adrian Arthur, Head of Web Services, British Library; Mia Ridge, Senior Web Developer, Science Museum; Patricia Wheatley, Head of Broadcasting, British Museum; Clize Izard, Head of Creative Services, British Library; John Stack, Head of Tate Online (also speaking at the event but not pictured Peer Lawther, Senior Online Marketing Executive, NMSI)

2009 may be remembered as the year when various financial crises gave us time and cause to stop and reflect on the successes and failures of the past decade or so of museums on the web.  This reflection is aided by the maturity of the web as a technical platform – models are now available for most common applications of cultural heritage online, and a substantial body of experience with digitisation and web projects exists within the cultural heritage sector.  It also offers an opportunity to pose some questions about the organisational changes museums might face as both the expectations of our audiences and our own working practices have been influenced by our interactions online.

This article provides a brief overview of questions I think can be useful when selecting online tools.  Some of them may also confront assumptions about the extent to which online projects challenge existing museum practice, and about the demands successful projects can make on existing infrastructure and staff.  I also suggest simple, cost-effective methods for taking advantage of in-house expertise, perhaps born from previous online projects or grounded in audience contact, to give your projects the best chance for success.

Choosing the right tool for the task has never been more important.   Not only is your online presence no longer neatly contained within your own website, but the web has changed our audiences and their expectations about interactivity and how content is experienced and consumed – the ability to mash-up, reference and re-mix content is almost taken for granted as part of the online experience.

Your online brand is not just about what happens under your own URL.  According to Nielsen Online, “The ten most heavily used web brands account for 45% of total UK internet time”. Facebook alone accounts for “one in every eight minutes” of all UK Internet time.  This means every other site is “fighting for the remaining 55 percent of time Britons spend online”.  In this context, doesn’t it make sense to take your content to your audience instead of expecting them to come to you?

Based on my experience and on that of other museum technologists, I’ve listed some sample questions about your audiences, content and organisational goals related to the project.  The answers to these questions will begin to reveal the types of interactions your audiences could have with your content, with each other and with the museum itself.  In turn, focussing on those social and functional interactions you wish to support will determine the website and interaction metaphors suitable for your project.

Further questions tailored to your specific idea might come from a review of past digitisation projects and exhibitions, from talking to front of house, education and marketing staff who are already in close contact with your possible audiences, from an analysis of similar websites, or from your own experience of social media and websites.

Audience: where do they already congregate online?  How will they discover your content?   What physical or digital metaphors are they already familiar with?  Should the project integrate with their possible physical experience of the museum or exhibition?  Are they experts or novices?  How will they negotiate issues of authority and trust?  How will they engage with your content?  Can they contribute to your own knowledge of the subject or collection?   If audiences are to create or share content, is it specialist material, reminiscence, a simple “I like it/I’ve got one of those”, a creative response or a challenge?   Will their questions require a researched response or a simple acknowledgement?

Project: is this definitely a web project?  What does your organisation want to get out of this?  How does this particular mode of access relate to your overall mission?  What resources are available during the content development and technical implementation phases?  Can you provide resources on an on-going basis to allow for iterative development or post-launch fixes?  Is funding time-limited, or does the project require core resources for long-term success?  What’s your appetite or capacity for risk?  How will you recognise success?  How would you alleviate failure?  How well do your metrics match those set by the project funders or sponsors?  Can you measure a positive engagement or merely register a site visit?  How will content and functionality be archived?  How sustainable is the infrastructure?  What’s your ‘exit strategy’ to allow for the failure of commercial or public partners?  Which existing standards and technologies can you use?  How can you enable re-use of the museum- or user-generated content, both in terms of clear usage rights and programmatically re-usable data?  Can you re-use existing data produced by other organisations, or partner with others in the same field or aiming at the same audiences?  Can you publicly reflect on the lessons you’ll learn during this project, and usefully share both successes and failures?  How open are you to learning from your audience?

Content: what will draw audiences to your website, out of all the other sites on the internet? What types of content – how much interpretation, what media, which sources?  What is your content modelled on – wall captions, learning objectives, live tours, traditional museum models or something drawn from more general models – books, television, film, social media, debates?  Who creates the content – the organisation, the audience?  Should the site provide for collaboration or comment?  How much room is there for audiences to make their own meaning?  Can audiences augment or edit museum content?  How much authority can the museum share with audiences while remaining a trustworthy resource?  Can content be re-used and integrated with the rest of your online content?  How much context and knowledge is assumed about the topic, theory or object?

The decisions about technical tools and infrastructure are only as good as your ability to understand the technological and social contexts your audiences already inhabit.  I don’t want to suggest that museums should never push the boundaries or ask audiences to learn new forms of interaction, but I believe that resource-intensive projects should never be lead by the desire to experiment with a new technology if there isn’t also a demonstrable existing or potential audience need.

One particular challenge for museum projects is that it is futile to focus on specific technological implementations too early in the specification design process, because the social and technological platform is still subject to evolutionary change before project delivery.  Robust infrastructures, interoperable standards and a separation of presentation and application logic can help build ‘future resistant’ (if not ‘future proof’) projects.  Ideally, project leaders should be encouraged to pitch the overall goal to funders or sponsors rather than having to specify the implementation method years in advance of launch.  While online interaction metaphors, interface designs and audience expectations may change over the 3 to 5 year life cycle of a typical museum project, designing metrics that offer both flexibility and accountability provides the best chance of acceptance and uptake by the target audience and overall project success.

Each web platform or metaphor will have particular associations and expectations about the types of content and interactions it supports and the levels of on-going moderation or responsiveness required, though these may vary according to sections of the audience.  However, as new websites and social media interactions and metaphors rise and fall through the Hype Cycle , the characteristics of each become clear and they can be assessed in the light of your requirements.

Some of the questions above may seem rather daunting, but by involving staff from a range of disciplines in the project’s earliest scoping stages, you gain a greater variety of perspectives and make available a wider range of possible solutions.  Inviting others to participate in the initial stages of project design and taking advantage of the innovation and expertise in your organisation is a good way to discover reusable resources, bring to light any internal duplications or conflicts, and to ‘reality check’ your idea against organisational mission and operational reality.  For example, most museums contain people who spend their days talking to audiences and watching them interact with exhibits and interpretative content – observations that can help bridge the gap between the physical and online audience experience.  Similarly, museum technologists are not merely passive conduits in the online publication process but often have skills, expertise and experience that can profoundly shape the delivery of services.

If you need to understand emerging technologies, ‘mash-up days’  are among the lightweight, inexpensive but potentially high-impact ways to enable staff to research and experiment with new platforms while engaging in cross-departmental collaboration.  Cross-specialism workshops, ‘unconferences’ , social media communication tools and even traditional meetings are a great way to create space for innovation while benefiting from years of institutional knowledge and bridging the disconnect that sometimes exists between departments.  Integrating social and participatory (or ‘Web 2.0’) applications for collaboration and consultation into organisational practice can  improve the chances of success for web projects by allowing staff to become as familiar as their audiences with the potential of these tools.

Our audiences have fundamentally changed as a result of their interactions online – shouldn’t the same be true of our organisations?

Mia Ridge, Lead Web Developer, Science Museum.

This article was originally based on a paper Mia gave at the Museum-iD seminar on "Museum as Media Company: Social Media, Broadcasting & The Web” about ‘the role of the web at the Science Museum’.

Paper: Buzzword or benefit: The possibilities of Web 2.0 for the cultural heritage sector

Presentation at Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology UK conference, January 24 – 26, 2007, Tudor Merchants Hall, Southampton

Buzzword or benefit? The possibilities of Web 2.0 for the cultural heritage sector

Mia Ridge, Museum of London

Computer Applications and Quantitative methods in Archaeology UK Chapter Meeting, January 2007

Buzzword or benefit?

Yes, 'Web 2.0' is a buzzword, eagerly seized on by marketers and venture capitalists; but the technologies, methodologies and development philosophies it describes are of great potential benefit.

While "the participatory Web" might more accurately describe the benefits for cultural heritage organisations, 'Web 2.0' is a useful shorthand or umbrella term for a set of related ideas about how we develop for and use the web.

What is Web 2.0?

Wikipedia, a free encylcopedia written by volunteers and itself a Web 2.0 site, defines Web 2.0 as:

"Web 2.0, a phrase coined by O'Reilly Media in 2004, refers to a perceived or proposed second generation of Internet-based services—such as social networking sites, wikis, communication tools, and folksonomies—that emphasize online collaboration and sharing among users."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2, January 2007

The Wikipedia entry includes a 'tag cloud' of terms related to Web 2.0.


But what does that really mean?

The following characteristics of Web 2.0 sites may be particularly relevant for archaeology:

  • Services (applications) should get better the more people use them
  • Users add value through implicit and explicit content generation
  • Design for a seamless experience on PCs, handheld and mobile devices
  • Release web applications and services early and often
  • Take advantage of the Long Tail
  • Unique, hard to recreate data is a competitive advantage
  • Build for and with an 'architecture of participation'.

General examples

O'Reilly presents the following examples for 'Web 1.0' and 'Web 2.0':

Web 1.0

Web 2.0



Google AdSense










Britannica Online



personal websites





upcoming.org and EVDB

domain name speculation


search engine optimization

page views


cost per click

screen scraping


web services




content management systems



directories (taxonomy)


tagging ("folksonomy")




It may be almost provocative to present the above table, particularly as the reader may not agree with the labelling of all the examples.

'Web 2.0' sites include those that profit from an architecture of participation and user-generated content such as Amazon; those that use tagging or 'social bookmarking' to label content like photos or URLs such as Flickr, YouTube, last.fm, Del.icio.us or Digg; sites that use technologies such as syndication (particularly RSS)  – for example, using a site such as Bloglines to track new additions to the Portable Antiquities Scheme's 'Finds of Note' service; podcasts and blogs; social network sites such as Myspace and Facebook; and sites that use application programming interfaces and web services such as Google maps mashups.  Even pre-Web 2.0 sites that require audience participation like AmIHotorNot or Kitten War (where you are presented with images of two kittens and you 'vote' by clicking on the cuter photo) created the right environment for the participatory web to thrive.  Radical trust, as seen in Wikipedia, is another Web 2.0-ish idea.

Screenshot of kittenwar.com, a participatory site


Concepts discussed in this paper include folksonomies and 'the long tail'.  Folksonomies are defined as 'collaborative categorization schemes' or 'user generated taxonomies' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folksonomy).

The theory of the Long Tail states "products that are in low demand or have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_tail).  This has implications for organisations looking at the development and usage of online collections.

Heritage sector examples

Only a few examples are presented today but increasingly cultural heritage organisations are publishing sites that use some 'Web 2.0' technologies or methodologies.  When looking at other projects from within our sector it is important to ask, who is doing it well and what can we learn from them?  How does the site meet the requirements of its audiences, and what can we learn from projects that did not quite work?

Folksonomies and the Long Tail: The Powerhouse Museum and STEVE


"Steve" is a collaborative research project exploring the potential for user-generated descriptions of works of art and while it is mostly used in American art museums, it provides a good model for the implementation of tagging and folksonomies in the heritage sector.  Folksonomies can be important for cultural heritage organisations because "allowing users to describe collections—using their own vernacular or language – may help other users find things that interest them".  This may improve access to and encourage engagement with cultural content.

As the project website says, "social tagging offers professional and volunteer staff insights into the ways that visitors experience objects in your collection. It enables museums to transcend traditional distinctions by department or medium so you can better serve your publics" (http://www.steve.museum/).

The Powerhouse Museum

Screenshot of the Powerhouse Museum Collection interface, showing 'user keywords' and traditional museum-generated categories.


The Powerhouse Museum in Sydney re-launched their collection database online in June 2006.

Sebastian Chan from the Powerhouse Museum has a blog called 'Fresh + New' in which he talks about some of the work the Powerhouse is doing, including on-going tweaks to their OPAC 2.0 collection search.

In a post introducing their 'Collection 2.0' in June 2006 he said:

"Improving on previous collection search tools, OPAC 2.0 tracks and responds to user behaviour recommending 'similar' objects increase serendipitous discovery and encouraging browsing of our collection. It also keeps track of searches and dynamically ranks search results based on actual user interactions. Over time, this artificial intelligence will improve as it learns from users, and will allow for dynamic recommendations.

OPAC 2.0 also incorporates a folksonomy engine allowing users to tag objects for later recall by themselves or others. "

They have encouraged 'serendipitous discovery ' by implementing functionality such as the presentation of 'other search terms similar to X' and 'others who searched for X looked at' alongside search results as well as showing the tags other users have added so that 'almost every object view 'suggests' other objects to view'.  This recommendation function is similar to Amazon's 'Customers who bought this item also bought'.

User-created tags are available as 'tag clouds', seen on the right-hand side of the screenshot, and are presented alongside the traditional museum-generated taxonomy.

The site has been a huge success.  In August 2006 Chan posted:

"In just six weeks visitation to the Museum's website increased over 100%… In the 6 weeks from June 14-July 31 OPAC2.0 on its own received 239,001 visitors … who performed a total of 386,199 successful searches leading to object views … and over 1.2 million individual object views."

"The average number of successful searches per visit is 1.62.
The average number of objects viewed per visit is 5.02.

Contrast this with the single view per visit that objects on our previous 'packaged collection' received and the change is particularly marked."

At the 2006 National Digital Forum in New Zealand Chan reported that 95% of all available objects were visited at least once in the first ten weeks and that over 3,000 user tags had been added.

From the same post, this statement shows the effect of the long tail: "Now from our total object view figures we can determine that even the most popular objectrepresents only 0.1% of all views."

User-generated content: Çatalhöyük and Wessex Archaeology

User generated content

User-generated content and the 'participatory web' is a huge part of the success of Web 2.0.  User-generated content (UGC) may be one of the biggest opportunities and one of the biggest challenges for heritage organisations.

For the purposes of this paper, user-generated content is considered as either 'implicitly generated' or 'explicitly generated' content.  Implicitly generated UGC is created by the actions of users as they go about their normal business of viewing page, selecting search results or making purchases.  This can be harnessed and used to generate things like general 'most viewed' lists or Amazon.com's 'people who bought this book also bought…' which is based on data generated by people with similar search and browsing patterns.  The more a visitor uses Amazon and the more data they generate about their interests and preferences, the closer the matches get.  Amazon 'Lists' and customer reviews are examples of explicitly generated content.

It is important to note that user-generated content is not written by random voices from an undifferentiated mass of users.  Most sites require users to create a login and content is usually associated with a user name.  Reputation and trust are important, whether 'Real Name' reviewers on Amazon, established authors on Wikipedia, or eBay sellers with good feedback.  Amazon reviews are a good example of a reputation system – reviews can be rated by other users and Amazon gives a special status to the Top 1000 Reviewers.

Self-identifying and intentional users of cultural heritage websites include 'lifelong learners', subject specialists, potential clients (whether for archaeological work, or image or content licensing) and schools audiences.  Other audiences include commercial contractors or clients and unintentional users who 'consume' our data via another interface entirely.

The benefits of the 'participatory Web' for both users and organisations go beyond greater visibility of cultural content and associated organisations – for example, specialist users may be able to add comments with information about parallels between objects in collection records held by different archaeological units or museums, or offer source references for more precise dating of objects.  Web 2.0 technologies and practices may also help organisations engage with non-traditional audiences who encounter archaeological content in social network contexts or via web services.


The Çatalhöyük project team have put excavation photos online at the photo-sharing site Flickr, and created a Flickr group for Çatalhöyük photos.  Users can also search for photos geotagged in the area or tagged with relevant keywords (for example, http://flickr.com/photos/tags/catalhoyuk/).  Some Flickr users have added a lot of text and tags to their photos, suggesting a high level of engagement with the material.  Ideally, this user-generated content could be integrated more closely with the main site at http://www.catalhoyuk.com.

Screenshot of Flickr user page, showing extensive text and tagging of a Çatalhöyük object.

Visitors to the Çatalhöyük website can download raw data from the project database and produce their own interpretations but currently there aren't any methods for visitors to inform the project and other visitors about how they used the data and any interpretative or scientific conclusions reached.  Web 2.0 technologies and methodologies might provide ideal solutions.  For example, linking photos visible on Flickr with the online excavation and finds database could be a good way to encourage users to comment on and tag the photos and contribute their interpretation of the team's data.

Wessex Archaeology

Wessex Archaeology have recently implemented a project to integrate their web pages with photos hosted on Flickr and found usage increased greatly:

"Over the 12 months before September 2005, our gallery was viewed by an average of 480 people per month. 6 months after we began using Flickr, in March 2006, we received 5664 visitors (based upon sessions) to the FAlbum gallery script."


What are the benefits of Web 2.0 for cultural heritage organisations?

How do the technologies and methodologies described as Web 2.0 apply to those working in archaeology or the cultural heritage sector?  What can be picked from the hype and applied for the benefit of our organisations and our online audiences?

The specific benefits of Web 2.0 will depend on the goals of the organisation, but these may apply:

  • Wider dissemination of archaeological knowledge
  • Greater and more meaningful audience engagement
  • Re-use of existing content
  • Publicity and positive branding for the organisation
  • Better publication of a wider range archaeological data
  • Accessible primary data and transparent processes

The Web 2.0 approach to standards-based presentation is advantageous for content producers and consumers.  It encourages platform independence –

audiences may well be on mobile devices rather than a traditional PC.  It is a chance to view creating attractive, innovative, accessible and standards-compliant sites as a challenge.  Finally, standards compliance is increasingly a requirement for project funding from public bodies.

The use of open standards in application development and architecture is also beneficial.  Many Web 2.0-ish applications are Open Source or run on Open Source platforms.  One immediate benefit is that Open Source applications and platforms are free.  Another is that they have years of development and testing with vociferous and demanding real world users behind them so they tend to be the robust and stable solutions.

The use of existing Web 2.0 infrastructures saves development costs.  Audiences benefit from familiar interfaces and pre-existing logins, which may further encourage active engagement with 'cultural' content.  Satisfied users will lead their social networks to your content, and create links and tags that will refer other users to the same service.

The use of Web 2.0 practices provides an impetus for organisations to think about the best licence under which to release content.  Would they and their users benefit if content is released under a Creative Commons or Copyleft licence?

What are the potential disadvantages and barriers to Web 2.0?


If data is to be published through a particular API or standard, the standard must be accessible to content creators and publishers as well as being realistically implementable.  When there are competing standards, the choice between one and the other should be made carefully or deferred until a de facto standard emerges.

Some organisations will not have a dedicated IT department, or the technologies of Web 2.0 might not match the skillsets or training of existing staff.  Some organisations do not have any control over their servers or architecture.


Organisations must be prepared for the possible challenge of corrections or re-interpretations from their audiences.  Curators, archaeologists and other specialists are used to being the experts, disseminating their knowledge to the eager masses.  How will they react to the idea of the masses writing back or expecting active engagement with the organisation?  Further, are kids using organisations' pictures as the background to their Myspace page brats who are stealing bandwidth and intellectual property, or are they possibly members of a new generation of active and meaningfully engaged museum visitors?


The Terms of Use of partner sites should be reviewed in case they restrict the ability to re-publish content or content generated in response to original content.

Content may be placed in proximity with inappropriate or commercial content such as ads on commercial sites and the implications of this must be considered.  Organisational branding might be affected by direct publication methods such as blogs.

Copyright clearance must be confirmed for object metadata, images and GIS data.  Licensing requirements for software used, and client confidentiality should be considered.


Some existing social networking sites such as Myspace or Flickr tend to require active engagement and participation on the part of the institution or publisher to respond to audience engagement appropriately and get the full benefits of the site.  This can have implications for the resources required to participate.  In some cases it may not be appropriate for an organisation to comment on user-generated content and this must be considered.

Any user-generated content may require moderation and this has also resourcing implications.  For example, at the Museum of London it has been noticed that every new collection site increases the number of curator enquiries.  User forums and tagging may require on-going monitoring and moderation or the generation of new interpretation or research.

It is worth considering whether releasing content to distributed services will impact reported visitor numbers to traditional website or have an 'opportunity cost'.  The usage of content released to web services may not be quantifiable.

Resistance may be encountered to the idea of committing resources to 'unproven' technologies.  Mapping providers could disappear or start charging to use their web services or APIs, or change their licensing terms.  Changes to the economic model might mean that existing services become unaffordable.  Careful investigation can alleviate these concerns.

Overcoming barriers and using Web 2.0

While there is research to be done on the best practices for Web 2.0 and the cultural heritage sector, the potential benefits for organisations and their audiences outweigh the risks and disadvantages.  Organisations that develop Web 2.0-ish applications and data will contribute to the future understanding of the best ways to serve the diverse organisations and audiences in cultural heritage.

Ideally, organisations should consider why they want to take advantage of Web 2.0 technologies and practices, investigate the requirements of their audiences and consider the content available to them, then begin with small-scale projects then build on the response as appropriate.  To quote the programming adage, "release early and often".  Monitor usage and adjusting project requirements accordingly.

Suggestions for getting started include:

  • Look at digitising and publishing existing copyright free audio or video content as a podcast or on the video sharing site YouTube.
  • It is easy and free or cheap to create a blog or a Flickr account to test uptake and usage.
  • Publish your events data in the events microformat so they can be included in social event sites such as upcoming.org.
  • Create an RSS feed for your News page.
  • Review the terms visitors have used in search engines to find your site.
  • Review terms used in internal site searches and any labels applied to content.
  • Set up a wiki or forum for people to comment on your data.
  • Consider publishing existing database(s) of records enhanced for online publication as an XML feed or CSV download.
  • Investigate creating a Google maps mashup or interface, or geotag photos and publish them on Flickr.
  • Embrace your 'long tail'.
  • Encourage users to tag images or records in languages other than English to start enabling multi-lingual access to your content.
  • Tag your favourite specialist sites on a social bookmarking site.

Organisations without dedicated IT resources may feel that Web 2.0 applications are out of their reach, but this does not have to be the case.  Take advantage of existing models, particularly from commercial sites that have User Interface and Information Architect specialists – examine how Amazon separates user-generated content from 'official' content from publishers and authors, or how Flickr presents user comments compared to labels given by the content owner.

Match the technology to the content – you probably wouldn't publish your full finds catalogue as an RSS feed but if you regularly add small numbers of items a syndication or subscription model might be appropriate.  Ensure that any content created can be exported into a interoperable or portable format in case the application or supporting organisation fails, and take regular back-ups.  Investigate using open standards and Open Source Software where feasible, particularly where this avoids lock-in to proprietary systems.

Reduce moderation requirements by experimenting to set the right barriers to entry to suit specific audiences and content.  Allow users to report offensive content for review by a moderator.  Implement formal or informal peer review and reputation models to help the useful content rise and the non-useful content filter down.  For example, tag clouds give prominence to the most popular tags while less popular tags become less visible; forum postings can be given 'karma' ratings by other visitors.

Consider using user-centred design methodologies, lightweight programming models and agile methods to reduce development time, therefore reducing the investment required.  Take advantage of existing applications, services, APIs, architectures and design patterns wherever possible.

Finally, design for extensibility.  Applications and infrastructure should be sustainable, interoperable and re-usable.


"Companies that succeed will create applications that learn from their users, using an architecture of participation to build a commanding advantage not just in the software interface, but in the richness of the shared data."

Tim O'Reilly, "What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software".

While the term 'Web 2.0' may just be more hype, the examples discussed have shown that there are real benefits to the technologies and methodologies described as 'Web 2.0'.


Chan, Sebastian. "Initial impacts of OPAC2.0 on Powerhouse Museum online visitation", https://web.archive.org/web/20081007233204/http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/dmsblog/index.php/2006/08/10/initial-impacts-of-opac20-on-powerhouse-museum-online-visitation

Chan, Sebastian. "Opening the gates: new opportunities in online collections", http://ndf.natlib.govt.nz/about/forum2006-files/schan.pdf via http://ndf.natlib.govt.nz/about/projects.htm#_ndf2006

Chan, Sebastian. "Powerhouse Museum launches Web 2.0-styled collection search", https://web.archive.org/web/20080704143300/http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/dmsblog/index.php/2006/06/08/powerhouse-museum-launches-web-20-styled-collection-search

Goskar, Tom. "Wessex Archaeology And Flickr: How We Use Web 2.0", http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/nwh/ART41987.html

O'Reilly, Tim. "Web 2.0 Compact Definition: Trying Again", http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2006/12/web_20_compact.html

O'Reilly, Tim. "What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software", http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html

Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, "Collection 2.0", https://web.archive.org/web/20180808113313/http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database

Semantic Web Think Tank blog, "UK Museums and the Semantic Web; A not so formal ongoing commentary and discussion on the AHRC-funded thinktank", http://culturalsemanticweb.wordpress.com

Sierra, Kathy.  "Why Web 2.0 is more than a buzzword", http://headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/2006/11/why_web_20_is_m.html

Wikipedia, Web 2.0, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2

Sites mentioned in this paper:
















Updates and related content



[Originally posted at Buzzword or benefit: The possibilities of Web 2.0 for the cultural heritage sector]