Patrick Bourke + Maria Mortimore

Birth: 28 April 1860 34 32 Albert Lane, off Bourke St. East
Death: 1 May 1947

Facts and events

Shared note

Mum's notes (email April 2015)

Nan [Maria & Patrick Bourke had 5 children.
John Thomas married & had 2 children. Mentioned in notice.
Richard Patrick
Mary Veronica
Stephen died when very young

Nan had angina and dropped dead suddenly.

She was a very good dressmaker. She also had a lovely singing voice and I can remember her singing in church, very sweet and perfectly pitched. Unfortunately
I did not inherit that talent, nor did my mother, but she was a very good pianist.

Last change
11 April 201509:16:40
Author of last change: miawebtrees
Research task
Check for appropriate certificates
11 April 2015
User: miawebtrees