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A very successful farewell social was tendered Mr Leo. S. Rice, of the Commonwealth Electoral Department (who has been transferred to Unley) by members of the Kadina tennis club and friends, at the Masonic hall on Monday evening, March 14. There was an excellent attendance of over sixty, and the evening was spent in dancing, parlour games and competi tions of various kinds. Occasion was taken during the function by Mr F. G. Malpas to present, on behalf of the members and friends, Mr Rice with a set of military brushes, and regret was expressed by Mr Malpas and Mr G. Horner at the departure of the guest from the town. As a vocalist, a member of the tennis and dramatic club, and of other institutions, Mr Rice had assisted wherever able, and his departure would be keenly felt in many ways. Mr Rice replied feeling ly, and stated his cordial appreciation of the many kindnesses of his Kadina friends. A light supper was provided by the ladies, and the function closed with Aufld Lang Syne and For He's a Jolly Good Fellow.

On Tuesday evening the members of the local Catholic church and choir also tendered a farewell to Mr Rice who, as choir conductor and in other ways, has been of much service to the church. Rev. Father J. Blake oc cupied the chair. There was a very fair attendance considering the short notice, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Father Blake, in presenting Mr Rice with a handsome and service able gentleman's companion, paid a tribute to the admirable help the guest had rendered to the church, and also, as a vocalist,, at patriotic, charitable and other functions.. He had used his voice to the glory of God, and had done admirable work as an organiser and leader to the satisfaction and plea- sure of the congregation. The chair- man, in referring to the gift, said it was probably a hint from the ladies of the choir that Mr Rice needed a "companion." In conclusion Father Blake heartily wished the guest all success, prosperity and good health in his new sphere of work. Mr Rice responded suitably, and thanked the choir, the church members and Miss M. Champion for their splendid fare well. During the evening Mr Les. Coombs was M.C. and the music was supplied by the Misses T. Darmody, and L. and G. Goodfellow. Mr Rice left for Adelaide on Wednesday morning.

FAREWELL TO MR L. S. RICE. (1921, March 19). The Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved December 17, 2014, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article109198481

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