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This church, is one of the most substantially-built, well-finished ecclesiastical edifices in the diocese, and reflects credit on architect, contractors, and all en gaged. It is much admired for its neatness and simplicity, and is frequently visited, by strangers, who are unanimous in their expressions of admiration. The entire contract amounted to £2414, exclusive of £100, the coat of two stained glass dormer windows, specially provided. Accommodation is afforded for 302 adults. The present portion erected comprises porch, nave, and tower entrance ; the latter being temporarily fitted up, makes a very commodious vestry, which is used for holding parochial committee meetings, &c. It is intended, after a time, to add transepts and chancel. During the progress of the building the Rev. T. C. Cole, who had labored so earnestly and done so much to establish the Church in East Colling wood and urge on the good work, suddenly announced his intention of leaving the parish, to the regret of many friends. His successor was the present incum bent, the Rev. B. S. Walker, who entered upon his duties on the 15th January, 1865. What Mr Cole so worthily commenced, Mr Walker as worthily con tinued, and was permitted to bring the work to a most satisfactory issue.

ST. PHILLIP'S CHURCH, EAST COLLINGWOOD.— (Lloyd Taylor., Architect.)

ST. PHILLIP'S CHURCH, EAST COLLINGWOOD. (1866, August 27). The Australian News for Home Readers (Vic. : 1864 - 1867), p. 12. Retrieved April 12, 2015, from

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