OBITUARY, Michael Sexton, Kapunda, The Advertiser

OBITUARY, Michael Sexton, Kapunda, The Advertiser
OBITUARY. (1925, April 25). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 17. Retrieved September 21, 2013, from
Shared note


Mr. Michael Sexton, an old and re- spected resident of Kapunda, died on April 17, at the age of 74 years. He was born in Country Clare, Ireland and was about 2 years old when he landed in South Australia with his parents. For several years he was engaged in farming opera tions near Kapunda, with his parents, who held land close to the town. For some time he was fruitgrowing at Renmark and Mildura, but during the last five years, through failing health, had had resided with his daughter, Mrs M Kerin, of Adelaide-road, Kapunda, where he died. There is one brother surviving (Mr T. Sexton, of Morgan, five daughters, three sons, 31 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren.

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