Death of an old Resident. (Obituary, John Ridge)

Death of an old Resident. (Obituary, John Ridge)
The Times. (1926, March 19). The Times and Northern Advertiser,
Peterborough, South Australia (SA : 1919 - 1950), p. 2.
Shared note

The Times. (1926, March 19). The Times and Northern Advertiser,
Peterborough, South Australia (SA : 1919 - 1950), p. 2. Retrieved February
9, 2014, from

Death of an old Resident.

Another of our old residents passed away at the Peterborough Soldiers
Memorial Hospital on Monday morning, in the person of John Ridge,
engineman of the S. A. Railways. Deceased, who was the second son of' the
late Thomas and Ellen Ridge, was born New Orleans (U.S. A.) in 1865 and
came to South Australia, with his parents, when quite young, and the
family settled in the Kapunda districts. As a young man he came to
Peterborough and was two years with Bagster and Saddler on construct tion
work between Broken Hill and Terowie, after which he joined the
railways and spent 39 years in the service. He was well known and highly
respected throughout the North and in his young days took an active interest in public matters. In 1889 he married Mary Ellen, the eldest daughter of the late Henry Edward McNamara of Broken Hill, and besides the widow, there are three sons Edward B., Thomas A., and John C.), one daughter
(Eileen), and and one grandson (Kevin Ridge) left to mourn their sad loss.
Three children died in their youth. The funeral, which was very largely
attended, took place on Tuesday afternoon at the Peterborough Cemetery,
the Rev. Fr. Ryan officiating at the church and the graveyard.

[Mia's note: grandfather Thomas A Ridge; great-grandfather John Ridge (1865-1926);
great-great grandparents Thomas and Ellen Ridge. John Ridge married Mary
Ellen McNamara (great-grandmother), daughter of Henry Edward McNamara
(great-great-grandfather, Broken Hill).]

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