1860 US Census (New Orleans, Ridge)

1860 US Census (New Orleans, Ridge)
Shared note

Census items are: family number; name; age; sex; colour (all white); profession, trade or occupation if over 15; value of real estate owned, value of personal estate; place of birth;
(not ordered like that below, obv)

2357 Ridge Thomas 35 abt 1825 Male Ireland Sup. Cotton Picker (Personal estate) 400
2357 Ridge Ellen 28 abt 1832 Female Ireland
2357 Ridge Mary 6 abt 1854 Female Louisiana
2357 Ridge Margaret 4 abt 1856 Female Louisiana
2357 Ridge Eliza 3 abt 1857 Female Louisiana
2357 Ridge Edward 1 abt 1859 Male Louisiana

2355 Ridge John 33 abt 1827 Male Ireland Ice Dealer (Personal estate) 400
2355 Ridge Bridget 28 abt 1832 Female Ireland
2355 Ridge Mary 6 abt 1854 Female Louisiana
2355 Ridge Teresa 2 abt 1858 Female Louisiana
2355 Ridge Edward 4 abt 1856 Male Louisiana
2355 Ridge Bridget 1 abt 1859 Female Louisiana

The address wasn't shown.

Events: Census
SOUR:DATA:EVEN:EVEN_PLAC: New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana
Last change
25 April 201411:30:31
Author of last change: mia
Find an address for the Ridges in 1860
25 April 2014
See if I can find death certificates or other info for these Ridges that may provide clues for the others (assuming they're related, which they may not be)
25 April 2014
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
about 1825
199 5 Sunday, 5 April 2015 09:52
Given names Surname Age Given names Surname Age Marriage Place Last change
Media objects
Media Title Individuals Families Sources Last change
Title Individuals Families Media objects Sources Last change