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The annual Roman Catholic ball, held at the Adelaide Town Hall on Wednes day evening, was a most successful func tion, a large number of dancers being

present. . The decorations were bowls of gum foliage and palms, and the lights were a deep rose colour. On the stage Mr. Leo Fisher's orchestra played excel lent dance music, and corners of the hall were carpeted and arranged with easy chairs for non-dancers. In the supper room the decorations were Iceland Poppies. During the evening 19 debutantes made their curtsies to the Archbishop of Ade laide (Dr. Spence), who was met on his arrival by the reception committee (Col. J.C. F. Slane, Messrs. John Moroney and T.E. Malone). The debutantes were in charge of Mrs J. S. Malone, and they and their partners were presented to His Grace by Mr. W. B. McMahon. They were Miss Olive March, who was frocked in ivory georgette beaded in sil ver and crystal over guipure lace; lilies of the valley in her hair. Miss Mollie Buckley, in ivory georgette, with flared skirt -trimmed with silver. Miss Doreen Rice, ivory georgette trimmed with silver and finished with a brilliant buckle. Miss 'Hazel Pearce, cream satin charmante ; with, iridescent sequin overdress, and peail and crystal ornament. Miss Margaret Tanner, frock of ivory georgett?, with sil ver trimming; bandeau of peifls. Mies Mary Wells wore ivory gcorgetto with u seqnined bodice. Miss Madge Wilkins was in ivory georgette, bandeau to match. Miss Gertrude Keogh, ivory georgette Veadcd ?in crystal, bandeau of pearls., MiEB Selina Coughlin's frock was of ivory crepe de chine, with flared skirt and overdress of lace. Miss Teresa McGillirf; chnee ivory georgette. Miss Margaret Holland was in- ivory triple georgette beaded in silver; silver bow, on shoulder, bandeau ' of -diamentay. Miss Mary Leonard was in a charming frock of white georgette. over white crepe dc uhine— the skirt was a flared U'.nnc'e of. cliantilly lace, the georgette forming a panel pointed back and frontt outlined ?with' 'pearls and diamentay; sash of white georgette, caught with a brilliant buckle. Mis3r 'Ailcen Doll'ard, frock of ivory geor Kutte and eilver lamay, with silror trim mings. Miss Clare Roennfeldt was in an ? early . Victorinn frock of while georgette, '??' with- overdress of silver iace caught at waist with georgette bew coming from the ^shoulders. Misb Elleu Meaney wore a frock of ivory crepe de chine with pearl and bead trimmings. Mips Nellie Corcoran was; in ivory crepe dc soie, trimmed wjth tinjr silver bows and point lace, with bandeau of silver. Miss Vera Frieker chose a. frock of ivory georgette, with crystal Leadjug In » dtsign of lattice and roses, the skirt a scries of small flares with n large silver rose ot tha left ad's; bonde-m of silver. Mis3 Lucy Daly, frock of white georgette, flared skirt, beaded end ap pUqued jr. sfiver. Hiss Sheila McCabe ?those silver lamay, with side panels of white- georgette,1 trimmed with fur and iiaught on hip with brilliant cabachon. Each carried a posy of flowers and per formed her bow most charmingly. '; Their partners tf ere:— Messrs. J. J. Markham, T. Fitzgerald. G. Wilkins, T. ? Bratchford, J. Moylan, Kevin Mullen, T. Kiely. Leo McDonnell, F. McMurray, R. T. Wells, Leo Harnett. P. J. McEntee, P. Walsh, F. Rundle, W. E. Barker, C. O'Connor, Roy Dollard, S. Phelan, G. G. Parkinson. :: Chaperones were:— Mesdames P. J. Flaunagan, J. H. Scollin, P. Reidv, J. C. P. Slnae, P. McMahon Glynn.' C. B. O'Reilly, J. Pick, J. McGuire. E. J. Dawes, J; Moroney, W. F. E. Bedford. The stewards in . charge of arrangements vrere:— Messrs. .W.--D. Dunlevic. J. P. ? Hansen. E. M. Minogue. J. J. Moyle, J. H. Mullins, W. J. McDonnell, B. Mc Mahon, P. E. Rice, H. J.. Savage (hono rary secretary). ? Mrs.- B. McMahon Glynn was smartly frocked in pcrvcnclio blue satin, with inset panels of silver lace at the waist. Mrs. J. C. F. Slane, black georgette with Oriental embroideries. Mrs. W. Bed ford chose a black frock and wore it with an Oriental shawl. ' Mrs. .T. Hen nessy, black beaded ' frock. Mrs. J. McGuire was in a smart 'frock of bUsk velvet and .lace. - Mrs. Peter Reieiv, beautifully 'beaded black georstctto frock and fur'.wrdp;' , Mrs. J. S. Malono's frock was of.'mniive georgette beaded in silver. Mrs. P. J. Flannagan chose a blao'c laco frock. Mrs. Esmond Duke, white georgette over pink satin. embnifW.'-d with pearls. Mrs. .W..- Maloncy (Moit fiind), black .headed georgette worn over jade green. ' Mrs. T. J. Horgrin's hlack georgette frock wsa trimmed with fringe. Mrs. P. Burns chose black beaded georgette. Mrs. W. Bond, black georgette. Mrs. Roche, ? smart frock of black lace rtver jade green georgette. Mrs. Ray Kchihan was in cerise beaded georgette. ? Mis* Eileen Flannagan -chose mauve bro caded taffeta/ with narrow silver lace

trimimng. Miss Wynne Flanuugan, blue georgette ' beaded in gold. Miss Daly's -lue frock was trimmed with a pink rose Miss Mildred Guthrie, flame georgette beaded in -silver.- ? Miss- Mary- Flanaagan', flame-coloured frock. . Mis3 Florence Guthrie choee blue shot taffeta, the skirt made with two flounces and trimmed witn posies. ? Mips Nellie .Tarvis, pink beaded georgette. A pink frock trimmed with silver lace was worn by Miss Beryl Gntl-- ric. Miss Anne Cochrane, white satin with touches of green. Miss H. Cu-n- mings, emart_ black-and-white toilette. Miss Eileen Kelly, mauve georgette and silver lace.- Miss Kathleen Siebert, almond green georgette and gold !ace. Miss Mary. Habib, red taffeta. Miss Eileen Mullens was in cyclamen georgette. Miss Jean Mullens, mauveflowered muqn. Miss iBadore Fox chose black lace. Miss Cecelia Nash, straight pink-beaded frock edged with white fur. iliss Mamie Ilor gan. black chiffon velvet finishad in front with a diamentay buckle. Miss May Cummings, pink georgette beaded in sil ver. Miss Peggy Horgan wa3 in pale blue georgette. A frock of cherry n-d georgette ueaded in silver was worn by Miss. Annie 'Mahar. Miss Imeld.1 Tnbia, pink taffeta. Miss McCawley, buttercup yellow beaded frock. Miss Mary Currau, smart frock of jade green aatin and gold lace. Those present were:— Miss Jene Allcrt, Mr. J. F. Attiah, Miss Nita Brj'den. Misd Molly Buckley, Mr. W. E. Barker (Tas.), Mr. J. Begley (Mel.), Messrs. T. and J. and Mies M. Bratchfoi-d, Mr. T. J. Brazel, Mr. and Mrs.' P. Burns, Mr. and. Mrs. W. Bond Miss I. Ball, Miss L. Bateman, Mrs. W. F. E. Bedford, Miss V. Ball, Miss M. D. Burn's,. Miss I. Critchley, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. Casey. Mr. W. G. Coglin, Misses I. and W. Cor coran, Miss D. Conlon, Miss B. Connolly, Mr. F. and Misses Molly and Selina Cougli lin, Mr. J. J. Curtis. Miss G. M. Carter, Miss E. Conway, Miss C. F. Coglin, Mr. and Mrs-. E. R. Crispe, Miss H. Cummins, Mr. G. H. Cooper, Miss A. Cochrane, Miss Eileen Clarke, Miss M. Curran. Mrs. Collins, Mr. J. Cahlan, Mr. P. J. Christie, MisB Lillian Cooney Messrs. Norman and Leslie and Miss Gwen Coffey, Miss Marion Cavailagh. Miss R. Casey, Mr. G. D. Clarke, Miss E. J. Campbell Messrs.' H.. K., and J. J. and Miss K. ar.d Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Dohcrty, Miss A. Dunne, 'Mr. J. L. Doran, Miss Lillian Davis, Mr. T. H. and Miss S. Duriek. Messrs. Roy and D. A. and Miss Aileen Dollard, Mrs. D. A.-Dollard.Mr. and Mis. Clem Duignan, Mis3 Mollie Daly, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. and Mr. and Mrs. A: E. Dawcs, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Dunning, Mr. W. F. and Miss W. G. Durick, Mr C. J. Doube, Miss L. Daly, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Deed, Miss M. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Duke. Miss K. Daly, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dun Levie, Miss Annie Dallow.'Mr. T. P. Doherty, Mr. A. Dunn. Mr.. M.- and Miss M. Davoren. Mr. B. and Miss E. Devitt, Miss A. M. M. Egar, Miss Elsie Evans, Mr. and Mrs. J. Entwistle, Miss E. Ellis, Mr. Evan Easton. Mrs. E. F. Egar, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Fiannagan and Misses K., II., and W. Flannagnn, Mr. Leo Fahcy. Mr. and Mrs. N. Farrell. Mr. K. and Miss E.1 Fisher. Mr. G. A. Fahey, Miss Vera Frieker, Mrs. P. Feeney, Mrs. Fric Ker,' Mr. S, W. and Mr. T. Fitzgerald, Mr. .Tens Flaherty, Mr. H. Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. P. McMahon Glynn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbie, Mr. Roy Guerin, Mr. J. L. and Miss M. C. Goodfellow, Miss Ethe Gillick, Mis3 Ethel Guerin, Mr. J. V. Green. Miss F. Guthrie, Mr. K. Grave, Mr. F. Gillick, Mr.' A/ W. Glennon, Mr. T. Hughes. Mi-. P. aud Misses B..-H., and M. Haren, Mr. L. M. Hurley, Miss Mary Habib. Mr. J. A, Hogan, Mr. imd Mrs. J. T. Holland. Miss G. Harvey, Mr. R. C. Honner (Arthurtoni, Miss Margavq Holland, Mr. II. and Miss K. Hayman, Mr. A. Hallet, Mr. Leo Howard, Mr. J. P. Hansen, Mrs. Mary Harley, Miss Healy, Mrs. J. Hcnnessy. Mr. J. Harvey. Mr,' S. S. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hannan. Mr. R. Holt. Miss May Joyce. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Miss Nina Jarvis, Mr, S. Jackson, Miss Alice Jones, Mrs. W. Jones (Broken Hill). Mr. and Mrs. M. Kennedy. Mr. Tim Kiely, Mr. G. Kerrisori,' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kelly. Miss A. nnd Mr. J. D. Kelly. Mr. M. Kinnear, Mr. W. J. Keanc, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kelly. Misses G-, and Marguerite KcorIi, Messrs. D. and J. G. and Miss N. Kelly, Messrs. F. AI. and J. F. Koerner, Miss Kathleen Kennedy, Mr.. L. J. Kenny- Miss B. Keyos. Messrs. T. P. and F. J. Lee, Miss Mary -Leonard, Miss E. Iampe. Miss V.- Lyons,- Mr.- A. Miller. Mr. W. M. Merrijran, Mis*1 N. Moore, Miss Eva Millane, Mr. and Mrs. jFrcnk Malloy; Miss Ellen. Meaney, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mahony, Mr. H. B. Mul iins. Mr. J. Ji Markham. Mr. j: M. Mor risffey, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Moloney, Miss G. Ma'ildigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mur phy, Mr. C. J. Maloney, Miss Mary Morris. Mr. G. E. Mullins, Mr. and Mrs: A. J. Moroney, Mr. . and._ Mrs. John Moroney, Miss Mary Moroney, Mr. R.

Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Malone, Mr. md ibs. W. E. and Miss Olive March, Miss I. Mullen, Miss Jean Mullen, Mr. Kevin Mullen, Mr'. James Moyland, Mr. J. Minogue, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moyle, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Malone, Mr. P. Moroney, Mrs. James Moroney. Miss K. Morony, Miss G. Muller, Mr. G. Murphy. Mr. F. L. Murphy, Mr. ;M. F. Malone, Miss C. Malone, ' Miss L. Malone, Miss K. Mahony, Miss M. Mahonjr, Mr. A. Monte, Mr. W. J. Monte, Miss M. Monte. Mr. F. P. Mullins, Miss Mary Mahar, Miss S. Mahony, Mr. Miley, (Melbourne), Miss Mulvihile, Miss Theresa McGillick, Miss Mary McGillick. Miss M. McAuley, Miss K. McAuley, Miss Rita MeNamara. Mjfs E. McAlister, Miss C. McMillan, Mr. P. J. McMahon, Mr. T. I-!. McMahon. Mr, P. J. McEntee, Mr. P. P. McCarthy, Miss M. McCarthy, Mrs. J. J. McCabe, Mr. F. McMurray. Mr. J. Mc Lennan. Miss Sheila McCabe. Mr. and Mrs. John McGce, Mr. and Mrs. J. McGuire, Miss I. McNamarg, Mr. T. J. McGann, Mr. B. McMahon, Mr. Vin McMurray, Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane, Miss Clare Nash, Miss Cecilia Nash, Miss F. Neiligan, Mr. R, V. Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs-. C. Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Ncagle. Mr. J. E. O'Callaghan, Mr. .ind Mts. C. B. O'Reilly, Mr. B. C. vO'UeiUy. Mr. R. N. O'Reilly, Miss Katldeen O'Reilly, Miss Winnie O'Neill, Mr. Frank OXenry, Miss Carmel O'Leary, Mr. E. C. O^gfilsby, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. O'Grady, Mr. W. J, O'Donncll, Mr. C. J. O'Connor, Mr. M. J. O'Donnell, Mr, and Mrs. S. O'Brien, Mr. T. O'Loual.lin, Mi3s N.. O'Loughlin, Miss L. O'SheOliwi Pesgy O'Neill, Mr. V. O'Grady, Miss K. O'Grady, Sir. J. A. O'Loughiui, .Miss E. OLoucWi-.i, Miss iloilie O'Grady. Mr. F. P. O'Grady. Mr. I'. O'Grady. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. O'Leary, Miss L. O'Brie:i. Mr. S. Phelan, Mr. J. Parkham, Miss Mamie Percy. Miss Hazol Pearce, J&'ma H. L. Power, Mr. J. E. Pick, 3Ir. Ted Pick, Mr. D. Plunkett, Mr. and Mrs. ft. G. Parldnson, Miss O. M. Rice, Mr. Kevin A. Rice, Mr. F. Rundle, Mies Clare RoenmV.dt, Mrs. A. Roennfeldt, Miss Rodgers, Miss Dolly Rowan, Miss Nellie Ryan, Mr. J. Roche, Mitg D. Roche, Mr. Vincent Rnach. Miss K. M. Riordan, Mr. P. W. Kooney, Mr. J. P. Riley, Mr. C. G. Riley, Miss Doreen Rice, Mr. J. C. Rice, Miss E. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. K. Roche. Mr. P. E. Rice, Miss M. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. ARhley Road (Melbourne), Miss B. Ryan, Mr. F. Rewall, Miss V. Reivell, Miss SI. Rewoll, iliss Reardon, Mr. and Mrs. V. Riordan, ilr. and Mrs. Peter Reidy, Mr. John Sullivan, Miss W. Sullivan, Miss P. Sullivan. Mr. R. L. Squire, Mr. V. de P. Siebert, Miss D. W. Siebert, Mr. aud Mrs. Abe Sarde, Mr. J. Sherry, Miss Dl Snkg, Mr. [I. J. Savage, Miss H. Schmidt, Miss B. Schmidt, Miss Sullivan, Miss Janet Scott, Mr. R. Shcehy. Mr. J. K. Smith, Mies N. Smyth. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Seavson, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Smith (Broken Hill), Colonel and Mrs. J. C. F. Slane, Miss K. Schmidt, Mr. G. E. Scantlebury, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scollin, Mr. F. J. Siebert, Miss IC Siebert, Miss Stewart, Miss Ro«e Travers, Miss Margaret Tanner, Mr. ai-d Mrs. J. P. Travers, Mr. J. Leo Travers, Miss Mury Thompson, Miss F. Thomas, M. J. Tyler, Miss J. Vogt, Mr. K. Wood ward, Mrs. A. B. Wilkins, Mr. and Mrs. C, M. Ward, Mr. G. Wilkins, Miss Mary Wilkins, Miss Madge Wilkins, Mr. H. S. C. Woods. Miss Eileen Ward, Miss E. Whitehouse, Mr. J. F. Walsh, Miss Kath leen Walsh, Miss Whelan, Mr. i?. G. Wheeler, Mr. T. Richard Ward, Mr. W. Walker, Mr. R. T. Wells, Miss Mary Wells, Miss Alice Wells, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wilkie, Mr. S. R. Weingarth, Miss Ida Wilkinson, Mr. F. J. Wilson, Mr. W. D. Wilson. Miss M. Williams, Mr. J. Walker, and Mr. L. Whelan. t ' ' ?

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THE SOCIAL ROUND. (1926, June 3). The Register THE SOCIAL ROUND. (1926, June 3). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 15. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from 3 0 0 0 Tuesday, 5 March 2013 03:04
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