THE SOCIAL ROUND. (1926, September 18). The Register

THE SOCIAL ROUND. (1926, September 18). The Register
THE SOCIAL ROUND. (1926, September 18). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 13. Retrieved March 5, 2013, from
Shared note

AT MILLSWOOD. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Roberts, Strebor, Millswood Estate, on Saturday, September 11, a surprise party was given to Miss Clara Davey. Miss Lily Roberts acted as hostess, in the absence, of her parents, who were at their seaside residence. Port Noarlunga. Dur ing the evening euchre was played, and musical items enjoyed. The rooms were decorated with Iceland poppies, sweet peas, and linaria. Win ners of the euchre prizes were Miss C. Davey and Mr. G. Charlesworth; consolation prizes. Mrs. C. E. Harvey and Harvey Charlesworth. Musical items were given by Miss Doreen Rice and Harvey Charlesworth. A delicious supper was served in the dining room. Among those present were: — Mr. and Mrs. G. Charlesworth, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J J. Rice, Mrs. J. Rice, sen., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phillips, Mr. W. Illman, Mr. Gordon Roberts, Misses O. Rice, Clara Davey, N. Crossley, Doreen Rice, W. Rice, Phyllis and Claire Harrison, Masters James Rice and Harvey Charlesworth.

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