2022: an overview(ish)

A work-in-progress post about what I got up to last year.

The biggest thing I did in 2022 was co-curate an exhibition at Leeds City Museum for the British Library and Living with Machines project.

My work on crowdsourcing for Living with Machines was a 'Research Highlight of the year' for the Alan Turing Institute.

November: I was invited to the Archives nationales de France conference 'Crowdsourcing et patrimoine culturel écrit', where I spoke on Crowdsourcing as connection: a constant star over a sea of change / Établir des connexions : un invariant des projets de crowdsourcing par Mia Ridge, British Library, Royaume-Uni

Also in November, I took part in a panel on 'International Infrastructures for the Digital Humanities' – video below – for the Building Infrastructures event. The panel was chaired by Paul Arthur and the other panellists were Toma Tasovac, Alexandra Pretrulevich, Langa Khumalo, Juan Steyn and Ruth Ahnert.

In December I gave an online keynote on 'Citizen Science as Public History?' for the conference 'When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation' at The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg.